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Media relations

We foster and maintain strong and collaborative relationships with journalists, producers, freelance writers and bloggers. These relationships enable us to connect with local, regional and national outlets and share information or provide information/access to appropriate spokespeople when requested.

In addition to advancing the university’s profile and reputation by securing earned media coverage*, promptly responding to media inquiries helps to raise awareness of the university and build credibility in the community.

* Earned media refers to editorial coverage prompted by the university (e.g. a press release, media pitch or response to a media inquiry). This is different from paid advertorial coverage/advertising that is written/designed by us.

We respond to media coverage about the university. We also regularly share information about on-campus events, special announcements, research discoveries and academic programming with media outlets.

Preparing to speak with media?  Submit a completed Project Initiation form to schedule a training session.

Want to publicize an achievement, activity or event? We can help with that too!

Media relations support

Media relations support

The importance of media relations

The importance of media relations

Project Initiation Form Brand Central