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Graphic design

Our experienced graphic designers and creative professionals can make a significant difference in the quality and professionalism of your branded materials. This includes the production of high-quality work that contributes to a consistent and recognizable brand image for the university, internally and externally.

Graphic design services range in scope from digital to print and include the production of small (e.g. stickers, postcards, posters and brochures) and large materials (e.g. signage, banners, zap stands and billboards).

Begin the creative process with us by submitting your project request.

Note: If you decide not to use our graphic design services, we have a list of approved external graphic designers and agencies that we can put you in touch with to develop your material(s). This includes providing them with access to our Brand Central website.

May we suggest:

  1. Visit Brand Central and review the related guidelines and tools
  2. Contact us with any related questions
  3. Submit your Project Initiation Form (PIF)
Project Initiation Form Brand Central